Cream of the Crop 1
Cream of the Crop 1.iso
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The following criteria apply to the electrical characteristics of each of the
above lines:
1) The magnitude of an open circuit voltage shall not exceed 25V.
2) The driver shall be able to sustain a short to any other wire in the
cable without damage to itself or to the other equipment, and the short
circuit current shall not exceed 0.5 ampere.
3) Signals shall be considered in the MARK (logic 1) state when the
voltage is more negative than -3V with respect to the Signal Ground.
Signals shall be considered in the SPACE (logic 0) state when the
voltage is more positive that 3V with respect to the Signal Ground.
The range between -3V and 3V is defined as the transition region,
within which the signal state is not defined.
4) The load impedance shall have a DC resistance of less than 7000 ohms
when measured with an applied voltage of from 3V to 25V but more than
3000 ohms when measured with a voltage of less than 25V.
5) When the terminator load resistance meets the requirements of Rule 4
above, and the terminator open circuit voltage is 0V, the magnitude of
the potential of that circuit with respect to Signal Ground will be in
the 5V to 15V range.
6) The driver shall assert a voltage between -5V and -15V relative
to the signal ground to represent a MARK signal condition. The
driver shall assert a voltage between 5V and 15V relative to the
Signal Ground to represent a SPACE signal condition. Note that
this rule in conjunction with Rule 3 above allows for 2V of noise
margin. Note also that in practice, -12V and 12V are typically used.
7) The driver shall change the output voltage at a rate not exceeding
30 volts per microsecond, but the time required for the signal to pass
through the -3V to +3V transition region shall not exceed 1 millisecond,
or 4 percent of a bit time, whichever is smaller.
8) The shunt capacitance of the terminator shall not exceed 2500
picofarads, including the capacitance of the cable. Note that when
using standard cable with 40 to 50 picofarads per foot capacitance,
this limits the cable length to no more than 50 feet. Lower capaci-
tance cable allows longer runs.
9) The impedance of the driver circuit under power-off conditions shall be
greater than 300 ohms.
Note that two widely available integrated circuit chips (1488 and 1489)
implement TTL to RS232 drivers (4 per chip), and RS232 receivers to TTL
(also 4 per chip), in a manner consistent with all of the above rules.
1 CG Chassis Ground
This circuit (also called Frame Ground) is a mechanism to insure that the
chassis of the two devices are at the same potential, to prevent electrical
shock to the operator. Note that this circuit is not used as the reference
for any of the other voltages. This circuit is optional. If it is used,
care should be taken to not set up ground loops.
2 TD Transmit Data
This circuit is the path whereby serial data is sent from the DTE to the
DCE. This circuit must be present if data is to travel in that direction at
any time.
3 RD Receive Data
This circuit is the path whereby serial data is sent from the DCE to the
DTE. This circuit must be present if data is to travel in that direction at
any time.
4 RTS Request To Send
This circuit is the signal that indicates that the DTE wishes to send
data to the DCE (note that no such line is available for the opposite
direction, hence the DTE must always be ready to accept data). In normal
operation, the RTS line will be OFF (logic 1 / MARK). Once the DTE has
data to send, and has determined that the channel is not busy, it will
set RTS to ON (logic 0 / SPACE), and await an ON condition on CTS from the
DCE, at which time it may then begin sending. Once the DTE is through
sending, it will reset RTS to OFF (logic 1 / MARK). On a full-duplex
or simplex channel, this signal may be set to ON once at initializa-
tion and left in that state. Note that some DCEs must have an incoming
RTS in order to transmit (although this is not strictly according to the
standard). In this case, this signal must either be brought across from
the DTE, or provided by a wraparound (e.g. from DSR) locally at the DCE end
of the cable.
5 CTS Clear To Send
This circuit is the signal that indicates that the DCE is ready to accept
data from the DTE. In normal operation, the CTS line will be in the OFF
state. When the DTE asserts RTS, the DCE will do whatever is necessary to
allow data to be sent (e.g. a modem would raise carrier, and wait until
it stabilized). At this time, the DCE would set CTS to the ON state, which
would then allow the DTE to send data. When the RTS from the DTE returns to
the OFF state, the DCE releases the channel (e.g. a modem would drop
carrier), and then set CTS back to the OFF state. Note that a typical DTE
must have an incoming CTS before it can transmit. This signal must either
be brought over from the DCE, or provided by a wraparound (e.g. from
DTR) locally at the DTE end of the cable.
6 DSR Data Set Ready
This circuit is the signal that informs the DTE that the DCE is alive and
well. It is normally set to the ON state by the DCE upon power-up and left
there. Note that a typical DTE must have an incoming DSR in order to
function normally. This line must either be brought over from the DCE,
or provided by a wraparound (e.g. from DTR) locally at the DTE end of the
cable. On the DCE end of the interface, this signal is almost always
present, and may be wrapped back around (to DTR and/or RTS) to satisfy
required signals whose normal function is not required.
7 SG Signal Ground
This circuit is the ground to which all other voltages are relative. It
must be present in any RS-232 interface.
8 DCD Data Carrier Detect
This circuit is the signal whereby the DCE informs the DTE that it has an
incoming carrier. It may be used by the DTE to determine if the channel
is idle, so that the DTE can request it with RTS. Note that some DTEs
must have an incoming DCD before they will operate. In this case, this
signal must either be brought over from the DCE, or provided locally by a
wraparound (e.g. from DTR) locally at the DTE end of the cable.
15 TC Transmit Clock
This circuit provides the clock for the transmitter section of a synchro-
nous DTE. It may or may not be running at the same rate as the receiver
clock. This circuit must be present on synchronous interfaces.
17 RC Receiver Clock
This circuit provides the clock for the receiver section of a synchronous
DTE. It may of may not be running at the same rate as the transmitter clock.
Note that both TC and RC are sourced by the DCE. This circuit must be
present on synchronous interfaces.
20 DTR Data Terminal Ready
This circuit provides the signal that informs the DCE that the DTE is
alive and well. It is normally set to the ON state by the DTE at power-up
and left there. Note that a typical DCE must have an incoming DTR
before it will function normally. This signal must either be brought over
from the DTE, or provided by a wraparound (e.g. from DSR) locally at the
DCE end of the cable. On the DTE side of the interface, this signal is
almost always present, and may be wrapped back around to other circuits (e.g.
DSR, CTS and/or DCD) to satisfy required hand-shaking signals if their
normal function is not required.
Note that in an asynchronous channel, both ends provide their own internal
timing, which (as long as they are within 5% of each other) is sufficient for
them to agree when the bits occur within a single character. In this case,
no timing information need be sent over the interface between the two
devices. In a synchronous channel, however, both ends must agree when the
bits occur over possibly thousands of characters. In this case, both devices
must use the same clocks. Note that the transmitter and receiver may be
running at different rates. Note also that BOTH clocks are provided by
the DCE. When one has a synchronous terminal tied into a synchronous port
on a computer via two synchronous modems, for example, and the terminal is
transmitting, the terminal's modem supplies the Transmit Clock, which is
brought directly out to the terminal at its end, and encodes the clock with
the data, sends it to the computer's modem, which recovers the clock and
brings it out as the Receive Clock to the computer. When the computer
is transmitting, the same thing happens in the other direction. Hence,
whichever modem is transmitting must supply the clock for that direction,
but on each end, the DCE device supplies both clocks to the DTE device.
All of the above applies to interfacing a DTE device to a DCE device. In
order to interface two DTE devices, it is usually sufficient to provide a
'flipped' cable, in which the pairs (TD, RD), (RTS,CTS) and (DTR,DSR) have
been flipped. Hence, the TD of one DTE is connected to the RD of the other
DTE, and vica versa. It may be necessary to wrap various of the
hand-shaking lines back around from the DTR on each end in order to have
both ends work. In a similar manner, two DCE devices can be interfaced to
each other.
An RS-232 'break-out box' is particularly useful in solving interfacing
problems. This is a device which is inserted between the DTE and DCE.
Firstly, it allows you to monitor the state of the various hand-shaking
lines (light on = signal ON / logic 0), and watch the serial data flicker on
TD and/or RD. Secondly, it allows you to break the connection on one or
more of the lines (with dip-switches), and make any kind of
cross-connections and/or wraparounds (with jumper wires). Using this, it is
fairly easy to determine which line(s) are not functioning as required, and
quickly build a prototype of a cable that will serve to interface the
two devices. At this point, the break-out box can be removed and a real
cable built that performs the same function. An example of this kind of
device is the International Data Sciences, Inc. Model 60 'Modem and Terminal
Interface Pocket Analyzer' (also called a 'bluebox'). Care should be taken
with this type of device to connect the correct end of it to the DTE
device, or the lights and switches do not correspond to the actual